From Iain: We went to the circus last night and the only performing animal was a small dog dressed up as a clockwork elephant. For some reason they didn't bring the lions out, which was actually something of a relief as I wasn't too keen on seeing such magnificent wild animals performing tawdry circus tricks (small dogs dressed as elephants are a whole different matter). They really didn't need lions as the star attraction anyway - the circus was plenty entertaining without them. There were three aerial acts doing impossible things extremely high up with no safety net, a couple of genuinely amusing clowns, a juggler and a unicyclist (but no juggling unicyclist), a knife-thrower who also balanced unbalanceable things on this chin (see Sierra's report below), an alarmingly young contortionist, some dancers, and lots of very loud music (everything from the themes from
Star Wars and
Dallas to recent dance hits and classic circus pieces).
From Sierra: Outside the Pisac Inca Hostal where we are staying there is a circus set up and every night the circus goes on and on. On Saturday we took Lili, the hostal owner, and Urpi, her sister. The circus was at eight o'clock so it was cold and we brought four blankets to share with Urpi and Lili and some popcorn. The circus was fun: they had clowns, knife throwing, acrobats, a man with a stick balanced on his chin with a child on the stick, and a girl about Bethany's age doing gymnastics.
From Bethany: We went to the circus yesterday! It was really fun to see all the people do their different things. There were people who did juggling and people who did knife throwing and a whole lot of other things, but I think my favorite act was when the person on the trapeze hung by his feet 30 feet above the ground.
Sierra, Bethany, Urpi, and Lili at the Circus |
Patrick from Eugene here: thanks for the posts! Very interesting!!